Cheese omelette sandwich

Preparation time: 30 minutes
1. Eggs - 4
2. Salt - to taste
3. Chopped capsicum - 1/2
4. Chopped onion - 1
5. Pepper powder - 1/2 tsp
6. Chopped green chilies - 2-3
7. Grated cheese - 1 cup
8. Bread slices - 4
Preparation method:
1. Take a bowl, add egg yolks and egg whites to it.
2. Add salt, chopped green chilies, chopped capsicum, chopped onion, pepper powder and whisk well.
3. Take a pan, add 2 tbsp oil to it.
4. Once its hot, add half of the egg batter to it.
5. Once it starts cooking and almost half done, add grated cheese to one end of the omelette like shown in picture.
6. As soon as the cheese starts melting, and omelette is 70 % cooked and turns solid from liquid form, fold the omelette on one side covering the cheese. Do not turn the omelette upside down as cheese will stick to pan.
7. Take it out on the plate. Cut it into half.
8. Now heat the sandwich maker. Take 2 slices of bread.You can apply tomato ketch up on the bread slices, that is optional.
9. Put half cheese omelette on one bread slice and put another slice of bread on it. Put it in the sandwich maker and grill it .
10. Cut the sandwich in diagonal shape and serve hot.
Serves: 2