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Bread halwa


1. Brown Bread - 1 packet

2. Milk - 4 cups (Till it covers bread fully)

3. Sugar - 1 and half cup ( Add more according to your taste)

4. Ghee - 2 cups

5. Cashews - 1 cup

6. Cardamom powder - 1/2 tsp

Preparation method:

1. Take bread slices and cut the sides.

2. Soak the bread into warm milk for 5 -10 mins. If it is less add little more milk as bread soaks more milk.

3. Mash it with hand and set aside.

4. In a pan, add ghee and once it melts, add bread to the pan.

5. Keep stirring it till it starts getting dry.

6. Add sugar and cardamom powder, keep stirring.

7. Keep adding 1 tbsp ghee little by little and keep stirring.

8. Add cashews and mix well.

9. Add 1/2 cup ghee at last and stir it for 5 mins and turn off the flame.

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